Released in August on Organized Crime Records, this EP is available in 7'' vinyl and digital format. Now, any thrash metal connoiseur will look at the cover image and probably expect some batshit insane retro crossover thrash...
... and that's exactly what we get. The EP offers up fast and furious crossover thrash. With most songs being shorter than two minutes and full of aggression and, most importantly, speed, each track is a burst of energy in its own right. Cross Examination is known for their party thrash attitude – as reflected in song titles like 'Ritual Snackrifice', 'Hail to the Jeef', and 'The Bluntapocalypse' - but their sound is considerably more aggressive and angry sounding with Kegmaster G's (aka. Devil Dan) vocal style being the cherry on the cake. Now, while there is a lot of silliness on this album, like there should be, don't expect the band to be subpar. They got the chops, and the listener is bombarded one thrash metal attack after another, and the guitar solos are flurries of notes hurled at the listener in a most old-fashioned style (think Slayer).
This is a surprisingly good release within the realm of crossover thrash and, while, there are some filler tracks, the listeer is treated to quality thrash metal with plenty of elements from hardcore. Fans of Carnivore, Nuclear Assault and Wehrmacht, as well as Gang Green, should like this release.
1. Wake Up Call
2. Opposite Day
3. Ritual Snackrifice
4. Hail to the Jeef
5. Subterranean Thrash Assault
6. The Bluntacolypse
7. The Dawn of the Dude