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Lo-Pan: Colossus

Colossus is the fourth release from Ohio stoner veterans Lo-Pan, three years after their critically acclaimed album Salvador. Produced by Andrew Schneider, Colossus is a fantastic sounding collection of heavy grooves, addicting riffs, and memorable melodies, Lo-Pan not afraid to let their influences peek through but also unwilling to allow their music to fall into 'retro-rock' familiarity. Sure, the abundance of fuzz-toned riffs make it hard to remove the specter of Black Sabbath, Blue Cheer, and ZZ Top, but much like The Sword, Lo-Pan inject plenty of modern tones into their songs, with vocals that are instantly accessible and pair up with the wealth of delicious riffs quite nicely. I dare anyone to be able to resist the catchy hooks of "Black Top Revelation" or the 'grab you by the balls' riffing of "Land of the Blind"...purely addicting stuff. Plus, unlike some other stoner rock/metal outfits out there who launch into endless jaunts of trippy psychedelia, Lo-Pan keep their songs lean & mean, with solos kept in check and the focus on the riffs & vocal melodies. "Marathon" packs a hell of a punch with its '70s styled riffs and catchy chorus, while the title cut cranks up the fuzz for a riff-roaring good time. For my money, the slow burning, smoldering "Eastern Seas" just might be the best track here, with guitarist Brian Fristoe laying down some slow, chunky power chords over meaty rhythms, and vocalist Jeff Martin adding the right amount of bluesy charm to his delivery.

Not at all derivative of much of what we classify as 'stoner' these days, Colossus will be a breath of fresh air for those that don't mind a hint of the Sabbath influence but not looking for a rehash of Master of Reality. Really strong vocals, catchy tunes, and of course plenty of great riffs make up the formula here, and it works from top to bottom.

Track Listing
1. Regulus
2. Land Of The Blind
3. Black Top Revelation
4. Marathon Man
5. N.P.D.
6. Colossus
7. Vox
8. Eastern Seas
9. Relo
10. The Duke

Added: September 7th 2014
Reviewer: Pete Pardo
Related Link: Band Facebook Page
Hits: 2203
Language: english

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