Prepare to enter an alternate sonic universe created by three guys from New Hampshire with fake names who probably have no friends and live in the basement of their parents' places. On Museum of Science's full-length debut, traditional instruments breakdance with Fisher-Price toys, Dumpster-doomed sheet metal, a live Persian cat and the creative use of electronics to make noises that actually sound like music. Or is that my computer about to crash? Think Beastie Boys meets Sly and the Family Stone, only freakier. This stuff is geeky, fuzzy, groovy and crusty. I don't know what to do with this eccentric slab o' sonic pornography. Respect, dudes.
Track Listing
Exhibit A: The Natural World
1) Intro 2 Science
2) Phizzuck
3) HandiStrap
4) Scuba
Exhibit B: A Trans-Oceanic Trilogy
5) Shortwave
6) Punta Cana Shuffle
7) De Mundo
Exhibit C: Man and Technology
8) Paper or Plastic?
9) Dance Kamp
10) How to Win (An Oscar)
11) Earth Has No Rings
12) Bad Thai
Exhibit D: Frontiers of the Mind
13) Cowboy Dick
14) Oh, Excuse Me Ricky
15) Mangoes Forward
16) Powrkleen