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Emil Bulls: Sacrifice to Venus

In contrast to most of the hyperbolic, over-the-top, frankly untrue stuff we get sent along with most releases it is somewhat refreshing to see that all that accompanied this one was this simple phrase, "Emil Bulls is an excellent Alternative Metal band influenced by several various music genres hard to confine to one style." Usually Alternative Metal makes me want to run a mile but Sacrifice to Venus whilst not being without faults is quite a decent metal album. Not groundbreaking by any sense – songs like "The Grave" with its poppy chorus are ten-a-penny but by no means offensive unlike the quite frankly turgid and embarrassing "Pants Down", a song so crass it has to be heard to be believed. The album is also at least three tracks too long but at their best Emil Bulls display the kind of chops which the emo kids will lap up in their millions.

Track Listing:
1. The Grave
2. Hearteater
3. Pants Down
4. I Wanna Feel You
5. Rainbows and Butterflies
6. The Way of the Warrior
7. The Reckoning
8. The Age of Revolution
9. Sacrifice to Venus
10. Gone Baby Gone
11. Man Or Mouse
12. Keep On Dreaming
13. Behind the Sun

Added: August 13th 2014
Reviewer: Simon Bray
Related Link: Band Website
Hits: 1891
Language: english

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