Ohio's Midnight haven't changed a thing for their sophomore release for Hell's Headbangers, titled No Mercy for Mayhem. This is pure Venom/Motorhead love, plain and simple, an album filled with speedy, filthy, thrashing tunes that don't offer up any gimmicks but deliver punk inflected early '80s style metal as if it was in 1982 all over again. "Whiplash Disaster" sounds like it could have been a leftover from Motorhead's Ace of Spades album, but with Venom's Cronos singing lead vocals, while manic crushers such as "Evil Like a Knife" and "Woman of Flame" rumble and crash along, effective riffing slashing all over the place as if Mantas & Fast Eddie Clarke were right there in the studio. Check out the tasty guitar solo on "Aggressive Crucifixion" for proof that these guys can also throw in some melodic bits too amidst all the raunch. No Mercy for Mayhem might not be the most original album you'll hear this year, but it's not hard to fall in love with this album if you have a soft spot for the bands obvious influences. Loads of fun here, so check it out.
Track Listing
1) Penetratal Curse
2) Evil Like a Knife
3) Prowling Leather
4) No Mercy for Mayhem
5) The Final Rape of Night
6) Degradation
7) Woman of Flame
8) Try Suicide
9) Whiplash Disaster
10) Aggressive Crucifixion
11) Destroy Tsunami's Power