Desertron: Where Nothing Can Possibly Go Wrong
When then opportunity came my way to review the debut album from Swedes Desertron, it arrived with a connection to a band I encountered some four years ago, First Band From Outer Space; both outfits sharing a bassist and indeed producer in the shape of Johan Dahlström. That news indeed was enough to snare my interest, although it didn't prepare me for a journey into Where Nothing Can Possibly Go Wrong, which in many ways is similar to what First Band... were all about, while also being completely different.
Desertron reside in a place that has stood still since the 70s and even in places the 60s, expounding a simple, yet intricate approach which draws you in from the get go, yet holds you at just enough length to reveal a bigger picture. Flashes of Heavy Rock dazzle, a sound that could be likened to the beginnings of Stoner also rushes out to meet you, while the merest (and I do mean merest) hint of the Spaciness that made FBFOS so endearing is sprinkled. Yet if Clutch were just to simply chill man, then they too might sound like this. Or if ZZ Top had been Swedish, possibly, just maybe, they'd be operating in this vein and would never have dabbled with synthesizers and bad hats.
If ever an album was eclectically focused then it is this one here, with subtle changes in idea and attack offering a wide variance of styles that all sit neatly under a Bluesy, heavy umbrella and bask in the sun, while cowering from the storm. In terms of sound, things are intentionally and convincingly "retro" (really, what isn't retro these days?), with uncluttered arrangements allowing layered vocals and sharp, although relaxed guitars to lead you down the various paths Desertron tread. In many ways Where Nothing Can Possibly Go Wrong remains a laid back affair, most tracks sitting in a mid-paced amble. However there's a real sense of urgency and vitality to what is revealed right across this album, "Nepolitan Tunes" being a melodic almost folky burst of energy and wonderful vocals, "Side By Side" a groovefest of the grooviest groovetacular grooving which knows when to back off and when to, well, groove, "The Decline And Fall Of The SSC" (a song documenting the failed attempt to create a Superconducting Super Collider (think Hadron Collider) in Texas and from where the band also take their name) a smattering of guitar lines, shuffling hi-hat and heartfelt vocals which reminds of Captain Beyond.
Where Nothing Can Possibly Go Wrong is a serious piece of multifaceted Heavy Rock both capable of making you simply move to the beat and engaging you on a deeper level. Not many albums do that and not many bands lay down as impressive a debut as this. On this evidence Desertron are the real deal.
Track Listing
1. The Decline and fall of the SSC
2. I hear you
3. The Maker
4. Side by side
5. The walk
6. My something
7. In this nothing
8. Nepolitan Tunes
Added: April 19th 2014 Reviewer: Steven Reid Score: Related Link: Desertron on BandCamp Hits: 2276 Language: english
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