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Adamantra: Act II: Silent Narratives

Power Prog are promptly establishing themselves as one of the most reliable sources for premium quality metal. This independent label and distributor are presenting an impressive and ever growing roster of talented groups, and here is another the symphonic progressive metal band Adamantra.

European metal act Adamantra are a Finnish band including members from Coventhrall, Epicrenel, The Ragged Saints and Simulacrum. Adamantra have made the move to Power Prog as they prepare to release their second full length album Act II: Silent Narratives. Act II: Silent Narratives has been a work in progress for some time commencing in 2010 with results that are truly compelling. As usual comparison to other similar groups will be taken and influences can be heard of which the finished product isn't diminished by this, but doesn't every other progressive band has their sources of inspirations it's just the level they take it to.

Adamantra are more than competent musicians be it the drums, guitar, bass or keyboards they have it well covered. Clean vocals feature on the album with some harder tones like you would hear in say Symphony X. Act II: Silent Narratives commences with an eighteen minute track "Lionheart" which like the remainder of this album will be right up the alley of anyone who admires Symphony X, Adagio, Circus Maximus, Seventh Wonder and the like. "Lionheart" builds in to one of the most gripping progressive epics in some time, the instrumental passages sound fantastic with ample alteration in heaviness and tempo. "Three" features heavy and complex progressive metal, keyboards provide an enchanting introduction "In The Shadows Of The Cross" before the progressive metal takes centre stage and double kicks are flowing for the chorus. A fine heavy progressive groove kicks in for "The Oracle" one that you cannot resist, added female vocals complement the varied and engrossing music as it sweeps you away on "Angel Of Music". Whether it be "Red Death", "Wicked Chain Of Events", "Circle Of Sorrow" or the power of "On Ember Remains" which ends incorporating the music that was introduced on "Lionheart" Adamantra's progressive metal continues to have me completely engrossed.

Adamantra's have created a true a winner with this new album, a standout progressive metal release and as a result Act II: Silent Narratives is my first five star review for 2014.

Track Listing
1. Lionheart
2. Three
3. In The Shadow Of The Cross
4. The Oracle
5. Angel Of Music
6. Red Death
7. Wicked Chain Of Events
8. Circle Of Sorrow
9. On Ember Remains

Added: April 13th 2014
Reviewer: Scott Jessup
Related Link: Facebook Page
Hits: 4012
Language: english

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