Deathpoint: Sinister
The members of Deathpoint describes their music as "melodic groove metal." That description fits pretty well, though I don't think the music "grooves" so much as it marches. The rhythms in this music are very quick and precise, always giving attention to a fairly regular movement between eighth note and sixteenth note patterns. Bands like this sound especially good when the rhythms come sharply, drilling themselves into our ears and hearts. Aside from the rhythms, this band also layers their guitar harmonies in interesting ways.
I was less impressed with the alternating vocals on the album, mostly because the clean, emotive, style blended with growls and grunts doesn't appeal to me as much as it does others. I also get tired of songs that put all their emphasis on the in-your-face angry attitude so common in certain strands of metal these days. I know that stuff works with some fans, but it never quite interested me. In all fairness, the vocalist does have a nice, clean, voice, one that carries itself confidently alongside the accompanying staccato of the rhythm section. He also has a pretty fierce growl that he brings out, from time to time, when the lyrics call for it. I never quite dug this kind of metal but I think that fans of In Flames, Soilwork, Stone Sour, and Threat Signal will probably find plenty to enjoy here.
Track Listing:
1. For Your Eyes Only
2. Between the Lines
3. Sinister
4. Sick Sick Sick
5. Remission
6. Entitled to Nothing
7. Condemned to Suffer
8. Lost Haven
9. Thirty Stitches
Added: March 6th 2014 Reviewer: Carl Sederholm Score: Related Link: Band Facebook Page Hits: 2027 Language: english
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