Spaltklang: In Between
Markus Stauss returns Spaltklang with an almost completely revamped line-up and an album that really couldn't be more aptly titled if it was called 'Free Form Jazz With Bursts Of Melody And Groove'. For in essence in between trumpet howls and bass slaps that romp and slide, drum rattles that smack and smart, In Between decides to become amazingly accessible. Don't expect it to last though, with themes and ideas discarded at will and with little care for just how much you were getting into it all.
So "Look For" howls and wails gleefully, the different ideas bouncing into each other dizzily, while the backbone of drums and bass do nothing as simple as lock it all in place. Oh no. And then they do, how they do! When Spaltklang decide they want to set a groove, prepare yourself for something mighty that is sure to satisfy and delight. It may only last a few seconds, but those seconds will be some of the best of your life. And then we cavort headlong back into the deep dark density that constitutes much of what else your senses become dulled by.
It is like Bitches Brew without the danger, less threatening, more inanely jolly, then on a sixpence it spins, stops..... and bolts for freedom in a different direction that you hadn't even remotely considered before. To some it might be free form and exciting, to others madcap and disengaged. For most confusion will reign and admiration will appear, but the latter only fleetingly as you realise that the oh so powerful release the likes of "4 Elements" and "Ural Fragments" (the latter more to do with geographical regions, than pieces of piss I'd guess) should thrive on, is delivered oh so sparingly and almost with disdain.
The title track descends into expulsions of trumpet and scrabbles of guitar. Needless and noisy, melodically bereft, before a laconic march begins, suddenly hitting a gallop in a "because it can" kind of way. All five tracks are lengthy, all five challenge you to stick with it and doubtless the chaos all five provide took hours to hone and craft, even if it all sounds like first take, seat of the pants stuff.
In the end the question has to be; is it any good? The answer? In Between times.....
Track Listing
1. Look For ...
2. In Between
3. 4 Elements
4. A Suite (In Memory Of Cleo)
5. Ural Fragment
Added: December 16th 2013 Reviewer: Steven Reid Score: Related Link: AltRock Records Hits: 2589 Language: english
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