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WolfPakk: Cry Wolf

WolfPakk is the product of two masterminds: Mark Sweeney (ex-Crystal Ball) and Michael Voss (Mad Max, ex-Casanova). They wrote all the music, handled the production, and Cry Wolf is their second recording that enlists numerous guest musicians from the hard rock and metal genres to perform vocal, guitar, and keyboard duties.

"Moonlight" is a mid-tempo power-metal anthem with gang-vocals during the chorus. "A Matter of Time" is straight ahead hard rock in the early Def Leppard/Great White vein and includes a nice harmonized guitar break towards the end. "Dark Revelation" is reminiscent of Motley Crue. The token-ballad "Cold Winter" includes piano introduction and synthesized orchestration. Plucked violins start "Palace of Gold" and the synth part during the chorus may be the only redeeming quality of this track. Dual guitars and power-metal rhythm propels us into "The Beast in Me" which is one of the outstanding tracks on Cry Wolf. Rainbow's "Run with the Wolf" is covered featuring Tony Carey on keyboards who in the line-up who recorded Rainbow's album Rising.

The energy and knowledge it takes to write and produce a project of this scope is no small feat. The production job is spot on as all instruments can be picked out and nothing is left out of the mix. Anyone who enjoys classic hard-rock, heavy metal and early European power-metal will find this a worthy listen.

Track Listing
1. Moonlight
2. A Matter of Time
3. Dark Revelation
4. Cold Winter
5. Palace of Gold
6. The Beast in Me
7. Wakken
8. Pressure Down
9. Run With The Wolf
10. Cry Wolf

Added: December 16th 2013
Reviewer: Ryan Good
Related Link: Band Website
Hits: 2265
Language: english

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» SoT Staff Roundtable Reviews:

WolfPakk: Cry Wolf
Posted by Steven Reid, SoT Staff Writer on 2013-12-16 15:41:11
My Score:

The coming together of Michael Voss of Mad Max and Casanova (and long-time collaborator with Michael Schenker) with Mark Sweeney from Crystal Ball, may at first not appear the most obvious pairing to produce snarling, biting Metal in the vein of Accept. However Cry Wolf is now the second offering from this duo under the Wolpakk banner and pretty damn convincing it is too. A quick look through the (too lengthy to fully name check here) guest list however helps us to understand why the results are as good as they are, with the likes of Ralf Scheepers, Amanda Somerville, Blaze Bayley, Doogie White and Tony Mills amongst those duetting with both Voss and Sweeney, while Kee Marchello, Mandy Meyer and Roland Grapow are some of the augmenting guitar talent and Tony Carey and Don Airey add keys (the drummers include Brian Tichy, and Herman Rarebell!). So fair to suggest that this album has a cast list that anyone should be proud of.

In terms of style, Wolfpakk are hardly reinventing the wheel here, but as ever nobody cares if the likes of "Dark Revelation" hits like romping Primal Fear with slightly less aggression, "Moonlight" introduces the album as though it was a cut from the Accept album Metal Heart, or if "Matter Of Time" strides confidently like mid paced Judas Priest. That all do so with power, vigour and precision is more than enough and as ever with Voss involved there's no doubting the catchiness, or staying ability of any of the songs on this album, even if the heaviness of what's on offer my well surprise those who enjoyed this band's less Metallic debut offering.

A few curve balls are flung in our direction; the slower piano led "Cold Winter" allowing Somerville to vocally shine alongside the two main protagonists. "Kid Raw" adds a more contemporary Melodic Rock edge and Tony Carey reprises his Rainbow years with a storming version of "Run With The Pack", which he performed originally alongside Ritchie Blackmore and Ronnie James Dio; the latter song especially an unexpected Metalised highlight. However for a true representation of what Cry Wolf is all about, slap on "Wakken" or "Pressure Down" and sample the foot down Metal values of tracks which proudly display a sound that will satisfy many a Euro Power Metal fan; although in a way that avoids all the double kick extravaganzas which spoil many a release in this style.

Cry Wolf may not be an earth shattering statement of the new and original, but it is a cracking take on a genre that often lacks the conviction and variety shown here. Considering it is "merely" a side project for artists better known for less hard hitting fare, that's impressive in anyone's book.

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