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Anagnorisis: Beyond All Light

There have been quite a few US black metal acts in recent years who have really honed their craft and delivered stunning interpretations of the original Scandinavian scene. Chalk up Kentucky's Anagnorisis as another band who really seem to know what they are doing, as their latest Beyond All Light is a fine example of raw black metal dripping with creepy atmosphere and containing multiple layers of beauty. Opening track "Eulerian Path" has it all; pulverizing ferocity, gorgeous soundscapes, and chilling atmosphere, constantly shifting and churning at every juncture. You want pounding blast beats, jagged tremolo picked guitar riffs, and violent shrieking, then check out "This Cursed Blood", while both "Death Mimics Life" and "Abyss" offer up haunting, crushing atmosphere that will make your blood curdle. The use of gorgeous keyboards and acoustic guitar add a special layer to the ominous "Bountiful Godless Life", and the near 10-minute "Forever Night" is as savage as it is beautiful.

Beyond All Light has everything going for it, a black metal album that is both brutal yet majestic, and the productions values are off the charts. The evil vocals will just chill you to the bone and the many musical layers are crafted to perfection. Highly recommended!

Track Listing
1. Eulerian Path
2. This Cursed Blood
3. Death Mimics Life
4. Abyss
5. Bountiful Godless Life
6. Forever Night

Added: September 23rd 2013
Reviewer: Pete Pardo
Related Link: Band Website
Hits: 1925
Language: english

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