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Razormaze: Annihilitia

"Melodic tech-thrash" is how Annihilitia the new album from the Boston thrash group Razormaze is described. The band has performed with many popular thrash metal acts like Destruction, Heathen, Death Angel and Skeletonwitch, and have also been awarded for their material so Razormaze did seem quite inviting before I had even heard their recording.

Razormaze are more adventurous than your traditional kind of thrash band forging a new path so comparisons are probably pointless, venturing into other heavy realms and also given the combination of vocals they could be called darkened thrash.

"Something Like a War" is brought on slowly increasing in intensity with some engaging music before all stops are off and Razormaze speed off into thrash mode. Diving straight into the impactful metal of "The Slowest Death" and "Worshipping the Void" and the customary thrash style vocals are joined by darker growls. "Sink Below" is a frequent tempo changer while Razormaze put on a hard grove for "Demagogue". "Electric Deception" features that metal intensity, onto "Terminal Escape" and this is another worthy head banger while "Without Words" is a full speed thrasher.

With the exception of Sodom's latest 2013 hasn't been the most memorable year for top thrash metal thus far from the big names. Megadeth's latest studio album was far from the thrash recording many were looking for and Annihilator have a new one due out this month but I can't say I'm as pumped as I used to be after those last two. In contrast we were so well accommodated for in 2012 with such absorbing new albums from groups that are still giving it to the fans, two of metal's finest Testament and Kreator. Thankfully the newer acts like this one Razormaze have also given us something to smile about.

Track listing
1. Something Like a War
2. The Slowest Death
3. Worshipping the Void
4. Sink Below
5. Demagogue
6. Electric Deception
7. Terminal Escape
8. Without Words

Added: August 24th 2013
Reviewer: Scott Jessup
Related Link: Facebook Page
Hits: 1814
Language: english

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