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Damnation Angels: Bringer of Light

Damnation Angels consist of William Graney - guitars, orchestration, backing vocals, Per Fredrik "Pelle K" Asly – vocals, John Graney – drums, Stephen Averill – bass and Dawn Trigg – piano. They hail from Doncaster in Yorkshire which hitherto hasn't exactly been the rock 'n'roll capital of the world. This may well be about to change with the full length debut Bringer of Light on which the band confidently stride into the symphonic/power metal fold and announce their arrival in no uncertain terms. It would be easy to use the much overused adjective epic to describe Bringer of Light but for once the word is very much apt.

It would be somewhat easy to describe them as Nightwish with a bloke singing but in many ways that's just what they are like. I love Nightwish so I mean this as a complement. There's a touch of Kamelot and Rhapsody in there as well and the atmospherics take it out of the realms of being mere power metal cheese (not that there's anything at all wrong with that.)I'm not entirely sold on the vocals to be honest but everything else just reels of class and this is a tremendously solid base from which to move forward. The closing song "Pride (The Warrior's Way)" is by far the best song on the album and is, I'm sure, destined for classic status and is the basis on which I predict potential world domination…as far as the world currently cares about proper music played by actual humans.

Track Listing:
1. Ad Finem
2. The Longest Day of My Life
3. Reborn
4. I Hope
5. Acerbus Inceptum (Pt. I)
6. Someone Else (Pt. II)
7. Bringer of Light (Pt. III)
8. Shadow Symphony (Pt. IV)
9. No Leaf Clover
10. Pride (The Warrior's Way)

Added: June 27th 2013
Reviewer: Simon Bray
Related Link: Band Facebook Page
Hits: 2179
Language: english

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