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Kalevala: There and Back Again

This album actually came out in 2012, but Moonlight Records is bringing it out again, hoping for a wider audience. I don't think they'll succeed. I get the impression that Kalevala is popular in their native Italy, but I can't imagine these guys finding much footing with much larger audiences right now. I realize that folk metal is a growing industry, but there are too many bands out there right now and most of them are doing the same things with the same materials. If this style of metal is going to last, it needs to find ways to be more innovative and interesting because it's starting to wear out its welcome.

I don't have much more to say about this album. I was impressed with the talented performances the individual band members bring, but I didn't think the album was very good on the whole. Most of the songs make far greater use of the accordion than they need to and the anthemic track "Folk Metal Baby" sounded more like an attempt to whip up a slogan than anything else. The album may please die-hard fans of the genre, but I found it mostly repetitive and uninteresting.

Track Listing:
1. Intro
2. Si Fosse Foco
3. Folk Metal Baby
4. Full Frontal Nudity
5. Come Dio Comanda
6. Nigel's Got a Sword
7. There and Back Again
8. Glasses
9. Dinamite
10. Waterloo
11. U Golema

Added: May 10th 2013
Reviewer: Carl Sederholm
Related Link: Bandcamp Page
Hits: 2212
Language: english

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