Akarusa Yami: Trace Element Rebirth
Following up their 2011 debut EP Ouroboros, Nottingham England sextet Akarusa Yami hammer out a second helping of massive riffs, thunderous drums and gloriously off kilter vocals, this time called Trace Element Rebirth. Six tracks and twenty five minutes may be a short outburst, but for Akarusa Yami it results in a huge variety of approaches, attacks and ideas. Straight ahead metal thankfully this is not. Instead piano bursts intersperse electro-beats and keyboard atmospheres turn "Heritage/Legacy" and "The Sound Of A Dying Star" into beautifully distressed explosions of emotions. Gargantuan riffs surge through shouted spits of vocals and the most interesting of disinterested clean voices - both courtesy of Tom Brumpton - that genuinely sound splendidly monotone and drone like, while somehow raising these tracks far from the norm. Elsewhere drummer Adam Jones romps uncontrollably close to ramshackle, while maintaining the ability to drive each and every song forward with a joyously loose precision. "Incognito Unaware" benefits strongly from this drums everywhere approach, although the combination of keys and chords from Les Dowling and guitar lashes from Tom Clarke and Damian Lee are enigmatic enough on their own to keep you enthralled.
"Gottfried Raised My Hand" comes as close to standard death metal as Akarusa Yami care for, although the metallic clanking percussion and wild fret flurries add new dimensions, while "Life, The Venomous Way" and "A Simple Decision" bookend Trace Element Rebirth in more conventional, if no less intricate and effective style.
On this evidence Akarusa Yami are ready to up the ante and hit us with a full length release. Bring it on!
Track Listing
1. Life, The Venomous Way
2. Gottfried Raised My Hand
3. Heritage/Legacy
4. The Sound Of A Dying Star
5. Incognito Unaware
6. A Simple Decision
Added: March 2nd 2013 Reviewer: Steven Reid Score:     Related Link: Akarusa Yami on facebook Hits: 1934 Language: english
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