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Abriosis: Vessel

From Vancouver, Canada comes Abriosis, a 4-piece progressive death metal act who are following up their 2011 full length debut Tattered and Bound with this 4-song EP titled Vessel. What's intriguing abut Abriosis is that they are one of the few female fronted technical death metal bands, with Alxs Ness delivering some truly evil growls and screams throughout these brutal tunes. The rest of the band is made up of guitarist Taylor Lipton, bassist Ryan McDonnell, and drummer Robin Iwasiw. There's no doubt that these guys can flat out play, as evident by such savage rippers as the shredding title track, the brutal "Crypsis", and the non-stop frenzy of "Apochra". Lipton unleashes a massive assault of riffs and blazing solos throughout this EP, and the nimble bass lines of McDonnell coupled with Iwasiw's acrobatic drum work make for some intriguing tech-death. Ness' doesn't have the most original death metal voice you've ever heard, but considering how brutal she can get you have to give her credit for standing up to her male counterparts of the genre. Vessel is well worth seeking out for fans of technical & progressive death metal (the guitar work alone is worth the price of admission), and will hold us over just fine while we wait for the bands next full-length platter of mayhem.

Track Listing
1) Crypsis
2) Vessel
3) Peering Into Oblivion
4) Apochra

Added: January 25th 2013
Reviewer: Pete Pardo
Related Link: Band Website
Hits: 2426
Language: english

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