My Darkest Side: Voices From Room Zero
It is hard to be critical of the debut effort from Italian extreme metallers My Darkest Side, with Voices From Room Zero being furnished with nine track (well as is the fashion these days, eight and an "Intro") that fair batter along, teeth glistening with spit and blood, guitars grinding, vocals blistering and drums exploding. However at the very same time, it is equally difficult to be cock-a-hoop, head over heels, shit your pants excited by them either. Dario and Umberto collide with power, passion and precision on guitars, weaving, ducking and riffing for all they're worth, while vocalist Daniele possesses that modern mix of growl, clean and scream. However it is hard to suggest that in the end what you're served up isn't a dish you've sampled many times before. For this is modern, melodic death metal that seems to be oozing out of almost every sweaty guitarist's pores these days.
Bags of energy and a level of enthusiasm that's hard to resist makes every spin of Voices From Room Zero an enjoyable ear-drum shattering experience. Compelling the neck muscles to convulse and contract wildly. However it isn't the ferocious headbanging that makes these songs so resistant to sticking in your head. While "Hibernation Of Primordial Instinct" rolls out numerous tempo alterations, vocal changes of focus and tight as hell bass battering from Francesco, making a bristling first impression that stands tall and proud with repeat visits. This longevity is the exception with "Chalice Of Scorn", "Bringer Of Lies" and "The Will Of Seth" using such a similar blueprint to each other that an unintentional box ticking vibe lingers over proceedings. That said with a less perfunctory production, things could well have a more individual flavour and there's no denying the hefty contribution drummer Demian makes on every song.
Not an album that is going to set the world on fire, but a release that suggests that Italy could soon become known for much more than AOR copycat acts and Dream Theater clones.
Track Listing
1. Intro
2. Chalice Of Scorn
3. Innocent's Revenge
4. Cursed Mask Of Punishment
5. Voices From Room Zero
6. Hibernation Of Primordial Instinct
7. The Will Of Seth
8. Bring Of Lies
9. My Sixth Sense
Added: December 17th 2012 Reviewer: Steven Reid Score: Related Link: My Darkest Side on Reverbnation Hits: 2142 Language: english
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