Satanic Bloodspraying: At The Mercy Of Satan
So what do we have next from those gleeful extreme metallers over at Hells Headbangers? Well, this time it is unknown, mysterious Bolivian act Satanic Bloodspraying who have come up with At The Mercy Of Satan. A short sharp shock of primitive black metal to lay down a marker for what they should be capable of achieving in years to come.
Best defined as uncultured and straight to the point, with references to Venom, or Impaled Nazerene, this is black metal that either rushes at you at full tilt, or grinds with teeth shattering power. Either way, it works, although in truth the real masterstroke of "Satanic Skullfuck", "At The Mercy Of Satan" or "Necro Dominatrix" is their brevity, with all eight songs together failing to reach the twenty five minute mark. This leaves the shock and awe to reverberate around your brain for far longer than the album itself, masking the uncomplicated, in a way un-ambitious approach through the shear speed with which it all blurs past. Vocals are howled, gargled, spat and snorted, guitars roar and scythe, while drums and bass swipe at anything in their path, threatening to remove your head, before the explosion that ends the album destroys everything there ever was anyway.
Sometimes it is nice to sit back, relax and lose yourself in complex arrangements, ever changing attacks and varying approaches. If that is what you crave, move alone, Satanic Bloodpsraying will offer you no mercy. This is dangerous, primitive, uncompromising - and it knows it. Making its shortcomings the very strengths that keep you coming back for more!
Track Listing
1. Draining Blood
2. Satanik Skullfuck
3. Tetragrammaton
4. Necro Dominatrix
5. March the Dead
6. Wrath of Baal
7. The Day the Earth Stood Still
8. At the Mercy of Satan
Added: September 21st 2012 Reviewer: Steven Reid Score:     Related Link: HellsHeadbangers Online Hits: 2061 Language: english
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