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Absolute Zero: Crashing Icons

4 tracks of musical mayhem lead by the complex drumming of Pip Pyle ( Gong, Hatfield & The North, National Health) , and accompanied by the precise bass playing of Enriques Jardines, and the exuberant keys, and off-key vocal stylings of Aislinn Quinn .

All tracks are epic in length and ambitious in scope, with very few vocals, as the trio pushes the boundaries of conventional rock music. The songs seem to be born from jam sessions as each number has more of a 'stream of consciousness' flow to it ,rather than a highly orchestrated feel. As is usually the case in this type of band, the sparse lyrics seem more concerned with whimsical subject matter; such as in Further On where Ms Quinn screams out laws of physics over a raucous background. The band seems more interested in adding vocal chords as a musical instrument then imparting any kind of serious philosophical ideals;an approach which has proven successful in the above 3 projects Mr Pyle has been involved with in the past.On the musical side, the band demonstrates ample chops, such as in Stutter Rock/You Saidwhere guest trumpet player Keith Hedger lets loose over a solid bottom end supplied by Mssrs Pile and Jardines.

Crashing Icons is an eclectic blend of musical ideas which should be approached with an open mind by the adventuresome music fan.

Track Listing:

  1. Bared Cross ( 13:49)
  2. Further On (20:45)
  3. Stutter Rock/You Said (11:52)
  4. Suenos Sobre Un Espejo (16:46)

Added: April 18th 2004
Reviewer: Yves Dubé
Related Link:
Hits: 3319
Language: english

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