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Samothrace: Reverence to Stone

Reverence to Stone is the latest 20 Buck Spin release from sludge/doomsters Samothrace, and it's comprised of just two epic tracks that total just under 35 minutes. Opening cut "When We Emerged" is a new version of a song that originally showed up on their 2007 demo, given an even more ferocious treatment here with agonizing vocal screams, pulverizing guitar & bass riffs, and pounding drum work. This is sludge-ridden doom at its most lethal, most evil, with Bryan Spinks' vocals hitting on death metal styled wails and black metal influenced shrieks. Spine chilling stuff for sure. The new song is the 20-minute "A Horse of Our Own", a monolithic dirge of massive weight, as Spinks' maniacal shrieking and crushing riffs & bluesy, feedback drenched leads pierce the leaden rhythms of Dylan Desmond and Joe Axler. There's some ominous atmosphere around the mid-way point on this lengthy track, adding a bit of psychedelia to the formula, before the tortured moaning and noisy guitar comes back into play.

Samothrace certainly aren't going to be for everyone, but for those who crave the more avant-garde and extreme end of the doom/sludge spectrum, Reverence to Stone has a lot to offer.

Track Listing
1. When We Emerged 14:19
2. A Horse of our Own 20:29
Total Time 34:48

Added: June 27th 2012
Reviewer: Pete Pardo
Related Link: 20 Buck Spin
Hits: 2084
Language: english

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