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Cardiac Arrest: Vortex of Violence

Unlike most genre's of music, death metal is funny in that it is a style of music where the fans are the most resistant to change. Death metal fans don't want clean vocals, breakdowns or lyrics about love. Instead what they want is straight ahead, pulse pounding death with blastbeats galore. Melody can be OK in certain cases (old In Flames and Amon Amarth for instance) but not as a general rule. This is fine as you know what you are going to get when you find out an album is classified as death metal, and as a result there are generally no complaints. That's not to say that death metal cannot be done badly, on the contrary it can, but what I am trying to say is that most death metal as a general rule does not break very far from the mold which is fine when it's played well.

Cardiac Arrest is one of those bands who play death metal well, in fact extremely well. Their current release Vortex of Violence shows what can happen when a band crafts first rate death metal songs: Extreme headbanging fever. Think a cross between early Suffocation and Deicide when thinking of this band and you won't be too far off track. This is some great stuff that fans of the genre should pick up.

Track Listing
1. Portal of the Damned
2. To Their Graves
3. Relentless Pursuit
4. Conjured Beings
5. Primitive Lunacy
6. Vortex of Violence
7. Depths of Despair
8. Ritual Plague
9. Subject to Torture
10. Sacrifice
11. Last Thing That You See

Added: July 7th 2012
Reviewer: Curtis Dewar
Related Link: Band Facebook Page
Hits: 2186
Language: english

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» Reader Comments:

Cardiac Arrest: Vortex of Violence
Posted by Drummer confusion? on 2012-07-17 12:12:45
My Score:

*clears throat*

I recorded the drums for this record in December 2010. Nick replaced me after I left in February 2011.

Glad you like the drumming, but it's still me. Sorry. :)

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