Hailing from Australia with a self-professed aim to "create heavy metal music that [is] purely about the music" — and not about egos or fortunes — Luthor is a power trio that plays traditional metal that will appeal to old-school headbangers. With song titles like "Blood Dawn," "Cold Death," "Final Torment" and "Serpent Deity," you know what you getting on A Thorn in the Flesh before you even press "play."
Fast and furious double-bass kicks in the head like opener "1914" and "Swine" recall second-tier Iron Maiden cuts. But "Beslan" summons progressive-metal ghosts and makes overtures toward early Magnitude 9, while closer "Blackened Ground" slows down the tempo with elements of acoustic folk and even gothic Southern rock. Both songs succeed more than the others here in large part because Luthor deviates from its trad-metal template.
Track Listing:
1) 1914
2) Blood Dawn
3) Beslan
4) Cold Death
5) Final Torment
6) Rise of the Fallen
7) Swine
8) Serpent Deity
9) Blackened Ground