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Abandoned Stars: Opening Act

Abandoned Stars are a real gathering of nations, with the four-piece being comprised of a Frenchman, an Italian and two Scots. The brothers Hodge - Leen on bass and Tony on drums formed the band back in 2010, before teaming up with vocalist Olivier Hadder and guitarist Peppe Schiavone to create the EP Opening Act, which in essence is Progressive Metal, with a more commercial sheen.

Everyone from the usual Prog Metal influences of Pain Of Salvation and Dream Theater to slightly more diverse acts such as Kamelot, Serenity, Rush, or even Pagan's Mind are added to the mix, with an interesting range of melody, brutality, sweetness and growls being brought to the fore. As is the fashion these days, this EP is a shortish introduction to the band, but one that leaves a good impression and a want to hear more. "Beyond Reason" kicks things off in a volatile manner, with a pulsating riff leading to one of the most Earth shattering growls you are ever liable to hear. However as the song grows, so does both the complexity of the guitar work and the accessibility of the music. Leaving a commercial, yet progressive flavour. Both Tony and Peppe add keyboards to the Abandoned Stars mix, making for lush melodies and a bigger sound than could have been expected, something that "Follow Your Heart" certainly benefits from.

"Sealing My Fate" takes things into a more technical area again, while the near twelve minute long "Against The Tide" brings all of the previous elements together in an impressively cohesive style where the guitars blaze and burn through riffs and solos, while the keys add a grandiose base. Vocally Olivier really stretches out here, illustrating a great range, as well as a manic delivery and the odd grunting growl. He really is quite a weapon for the band to have in their armoury. The influences are maybe sometimes a little too blatantly leant on by Abandoned Stars, however to be fair there are extremely strong signs that this is something that will fade as the band mature, making Opening Act an extremely assured and impressive starting point.

Track Listing
1. Beyond Reason
2. Follow Your Heart
3. Sealing My Fate
4. Against The Tide

Added: April 7th 2012
Reviewer: Steven Reid
Related Link: Abandoned Stars Website
Hits: 2319
Language: english

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