A Ship Going Under: The Failure Design EP
If the age of the internet has removed the need for young bands to pay their dues, then nobody told hard gigging Glasgow Scotland Metalcore/Extreme Metallers A Ship Going Under. Packing in as many local gigs as they can and with their second self financed EP about to be released, if hard work alone assures success then ASGU are well on their way to super stardom. Unfortunately it doesn't, although impressive songs never hurt either and with The Failure Design, A Ship Going Under have recorded six tracks that might not quite set the world on fire, but they sure as hell have lit the match.
"I Don't Know Names, Just Bodies" spits the EP into blood curdling action, with a Slayer like guitar spew that the song title deserves, picking you up and shaking you until your internal organs explode. It's an uncompromising introduction, and one that is hammered home with the rasping growls and shouts of the mysteriously monikered singer "G". ASGU are no retro act though with "Broken Noses And Recollections" offering up a more modern Metalcore charge, with a considered twin guitar assault courtesy of Ciaran and Scott (second names it would appear are not allowed in A Ship Going Under) illustrating a poise not hinted at in the opening track. The blood and guts of "I Believe This Knife Is Yours" begins at mid-pace, without ever sounding lumpen, before cleverly changing pace as the songs evolves - first upping the tempo, then slowing things right down to an atmospheric crawl. Drummer Mick is the star of the show on this track with his busy, but unfussy style punctuating things to perfection, although to be fair he does a sterling job of keeping all of the various influences in check throughout the entire EP. A simpler, in your face frenzy greets you on "Elms & Embers", although it is anything but one dimensional, before "I'll Meet You At The Lighthouse" (an invitation I'd turn down on the grounds of preserving my safety!), catches onto a bone-crushing groove that is as irresistible as the bass throb that Jamie provides is heavy. Closing the EP out is the full on battering ram of "Release & Depart", where again the drums really do impress with their brutal intricacy, while double kick blasts provide a power not explored on the other five songs presented here.
A Ship Going Under have created six pleasingly varied songs that while influenced by many an act, don't betray a fixation with any particular band, or indeed sub-genre of Extreme Metal - something pretty impressive considering their apparent youth (check out the unexpectedly friendly faces on their MySpace page!). It would be premature to thrust greatness upon ASGU so early in their gestation, but on the strength of this release, watching this band mature could prove to be very interesting indeed.
Is The Failure Design an apt title for A Ship Going Under? Not on this evidence!!
Track Listing
1. I Don't Know Names, Just Bodies
2. Broken Noses And Recollections
3. I Believe This Knife Is Yours
4. Elms And Embers
5. I'll Meet You At The Lighthouse
6. Release & Depart
Added: January 27th 2012 Reviewer: Steven Reid Score:     Related Link: A Ship Going Under MySpace Hits: 3407 Language: english
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