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Tune: Lucid Moments

The future of progressive rock emanating from Poland is in very good hands if the quality of music continues with bands like Tune. This is another new find for me and one that took me completely off guard.

The band formed in the city of Lodz in 2009 and Lucid Moments is their first release.

The easiest way to describe Tune's music would be melancholic art rock in the tradition of bands like Pink Floyd and fellow compatriots' Riverside. I will get this out of the way quickly, I absolutely love this album. The music is, for lack of a better word, sublime.

In the band are Jakub Krupski (vocals), Adam Hajzer (guitars), Leszek Swoboda (bass, vocals), Wiktor Pogoda (drums) and Janusz Kowalski (accordion, piano). The album was mastered by notable recording engineer Robert Hadley.

One of the reasons the music of Tune sounds a little different is because of the accordion playing of Kowalski. In essence it takes the place of keyboards, sometimes even played as a lead instrument. It is a unique use of the instrument and I have not heard any other band use it quite like Tune. Also important is the guitar work of Hajzer. Delicate arpeggios, crunchier riffage, psychedelic leads and spacey textures is just a little of what is in store for the listener. Both instruments are used to create an overall vibe that is sometimes a little sad but always highly listenable.

"Dependent" is the album's first song and is indicative of the band's overall art rock sound. Subtle guitar harmonics bleeding into waves of accordion. The guitar is quite intricate and as the music slowly builds Hajzer lays down an excellent lead.

Crisp guitar arpeggios and waves of dreamy accordion and melodic lead vocals define the excellent "Repose". Intense build ups, fleeting guitar chords and accordion add plenty of atmosphere until soaring lead guitar bursts forth with a little more bite.

In "Confused" the band combines intensity with delicate guitar phrasings flawlessly. Snippets of talking style vocals in the background recalls Pink Floyd.

The instrumental "Dimensions" is one of the album's best tunes and the guitar is the highlight going from softer passages to short, intense psychedelic bursts.

Great lead vocals and stellar musicianship by all involved make Lucid Moments one of the better albums of 2011. Art rock at its finest.

Track Listing:
1. Dependent
2. Repose
3. Confused
4. Lucid Moments
5. Mip
6. Dimensions
7. Cabin Fever
8. Masquerade
9. Dr Freeman

Added: January 19th 2012
Reviewer: Jon Neudorf
Related Link: Band's Official Site
Hits: 3821
Language: english

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