Stormwarrior: Heathen Warrior
Every genre has its tell-tale signs and clichés and with Heathen Warrior, Stormwarrior have meticulously ticked all the European Speed Metal boxes. It's all here, galloping bass drums, frantic riffage, stratosphere reaching vocals, tales of battles fought and prizes won. As well as the rather irritating habit of adding the latter "e" to the end of almost every word in their songs titles to give them that Olde Worlde Feele – see they've even got me at it nowe!
So if the merest thought of this strident, chest beating Metal has you running for the hills (come back and fight like a true warrior you coward!), then it is time to be afraid – very afraid. If however you've ever had a passing interest in early Helloween, Gamma Ray (Kai Hansen of both Helloween and Gamma Ray discovered this band back in 2002), or any other fret blistering Speed Metal merchants, then there's no doubt that Heathen Warrior will be your cup of Mead. In terms of what they do it is hard to criticise Stormwarrior, as the guitars burn, the drums pummel and the bass throbs, but even for someone like myself who does have quite a bit of this sort of music sitting on my shelves, this is generic stuff. Extremely well done, but generic none the less. That's not to say that it isn't hugely enjoyable in a heard it all before kind of way, or that the level of musicianship isn't impressive, it is just that you really know exactly where every twist and turn is going to be as there are absolutely no surprises at all anywhere in sight.
Good solid stuff and certainly bags of fun, Heathen Warrior is an album likely only to preach to the converted, who will clash swords and rejoice at the return of their champions.
Track Listing
1. ...Og HammerenHaeves Til Slag...
2. Heathen Warrior
3. The Ride Of Asgard
4. Heirs To The Fighte
5. Bloode To Bloode
6. Fyre And Ice
7. The Returne
8. Wolven Nights
9. Ravenhearte
10. The Valkyries Call
11. And Norhtern Steele Remaineth
Added: November 4th 2011 Reviewer: Steven Reid Score: Related Link: Stormwarrior Official Site Hits: 2451 Language: english
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