Decaying's debut, Devastate, is grim, ugly, heavy, grinding, and brutal, a tightly clenched fist that pummels consistently, remorselessly, relentlessly. Six songs in 52 minutes three of them being over eleven minutes is a clear indication of the level of brutality that Decaying are intent on sustaining. Epic, monolithic, massive, and mighty, Devastate does exactly that. Their sound is gritty, the songs' pace range from a crawl to a thundering groove, and the structures, due to the songs being so long, allow space for riff after riff to be explored, developed, and infused with as much metal venom as can be mustered. Fast parts are balanced with slow parts; short bursts are balanced against long, doom-laden and dragging sections, of which there are plenty. This album demands attention, maybe too much at times, but it's worth it. The long sections, their rhythms and sheer density can be hypnotic, dragging the listener deeper into the mire. An impressive debut from a band that have not compromised their vision one iota.
Track Listing:
- Strangled
- The Aftermath
- As The Fire Burns
- Annihilation
- New Order
To Decay