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Gravewurm: Blood of the Pentagram

Hard to believe, but Gravewurm has been rumbling around the American underground for the last twenty years! Blood of the Pentagram is their seventh release.

I might have reviewed their previous work before, although it might have been another band by the name of Graveworm. Anyways, this is the latest music and another of those sub-par releases from Hells Headbangers. I mean when you are bored not even half the way through the listening of a disc…First, the sound production is a bit raw and dull. The guitar sound is nothing more than just a buzz, backed by a bass. Their composition and simple and repetitive, with little variation. The good news is that the songs are walking a moderate pace, with occasional faster moments. Then, they have injected some leads and a bit of keyboards to break the monotony. "Necromance" is where to find distorted lead and more melody. Then, "Two Coins for Charon" has those ambient keyboards passages. Another cool place is on "Lycanthropic" where you can hear a bit of crunchiness. Other than that, there is not much to be said about this new album.

Blood of the Pentagram is a black metal disc bound to be forgotten easily.

Track listing:
1- Goat Command
2- Grave
3- Deeper Dungeons
4- Blood of the Pentagram
5- Necromance
6- Brought Before the Altar
7- Infernal Devilry
8- Lycanthropic
9- Hordes of Hell
10- Two Coins for Charon
11- In Praise of Evil
12- The Sign of a Dark Destiny

Added: May 26th 2011
Reviewer: Denis Brunelle
Related Link: Hells Headbangers
Hits: 2081
Language: english

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