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Cypher Seer: Origins

Here's a band that has intelligently combined Power and Symphonic Metal with a Thrash Death Metal edge. In doing so, the band have produced a top quality album. Based on what is presented here on their sophomore album Origins, Cypher Seer are forcing their way to the forefront of this uniquely styled genre, which may cost them a few of their old fans but will more than definitely generate a glut of new ones.

The band have returned after four years with a new line up, but if this is the extent of that wait, then it has been more than worth the time. This may be their sophomore album but for me it has generated excitement to my ears, with the band having created tones that will more than definitely appeal to fans of Symphony X and Iced Earth.

New vocalist Zeno Rodrigo has an amazing vocal range, one minute clear, the next guttural and otherworldly. The band may have chosen to change vocalists, which to these ears can only be deemed as a smart move making the whole album balanced and to some extent unified; an album full to the brim with memorable Power and Death Metal tones that are worthy of repeated playing.

The twin guitar salvos are apoplectic as is the exhaustive drum work which when incorporated with the keyboard wizardry, creates the magic of this band. The mood of the music is urgent and driven which results in an intense and frenzied assault. A highly recommended album.

Track Listing
1 Bloodline
2 The Curse
3 Dying Force
4 Faith Renounced
5 Aftermass
6 From the Womb
7 Soul Sacrifice
8 Red Rain
9 Haunting Saga Part II - Infinite Trance
10 Haunting Saga Part II - Lost Plague and Redefined
11 Haunting Saga Part II - As I Embrace the End

Added: May 17th 2011
Reviewer: John OBoyle
Related Link:
Hits: 3890
Language: english

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