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A Pale Horse Named Death: And Hell Will Follow Me

A Pale Horse Named Death is the new offering from Sal Abruscato and follows in the wake of the sad death of Pete Steele. It stands to reason that fans of Type O Negative will be waiting for this one with somewhat baited breath. To be honest, I'm not a huge fan of Type O Negative so I'm looking for something quite special to interpolate me into me into the world of A Pale Horse Named Death. So, do I get what I'm looking for? Yes and no would have to be the answer.

One of the main things that really irks me about modern music is the concept of the intro track (often called Intro – grrr.) The opening and indeed eponymous "track" is merely fifty-odd seconds of a horse galloping along. Each time I've listened I've forgot to start at track two and find myself irritated before I even contemplate a review.

That said we have a fairly pleasant mix of Goth and grunge within the confines of And Hell Will Follow Me. In many ways much of the album sounds like the bastard offspring of Type O Negative and/or Stone Temple Pilots or Alice in Chains. Arguably the best song on the record is "Bad Dream" which is a highly evocative instrumental but in truth your appreciation of the disc will in all truth depend on your enjoyment of Abruscato's previous band. I can easily see why some may want to give this a whole host of stars when rating it but for me it's solid but not exceptional.

Track Listing:
1. And Hell Will follow Me
2. As Black As My Heart
3. To Die In Your Arms
4. Heroine Train
5. Devil In The Closet
6. Cracks In The Walls
7. Bad Dream
8. Bath In My Blood (Schizophrenia In Me)
9. Pill Head
10. Meat The Wolf
11. Serial Killer
12. When Crows Descend Upon You
13. Die Alone

Added: May 7th 2011
Reviewer: Simon Bray
Related Link: Band Website
Hits: 3111
Language: english

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