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Sideburn: Jail

There's a fine line between being influenced by a band and well....copying them - take the rather oddly named Sideburn from Switzerland for example. While the overly acclaimed and hyped Airbourne are basically a band who rather convincingly use the exact same formula as their "influence" AC/DC, Sideburn use the Aussie's bar-room boogie and hell raising riffs as a starting point, before adding their own little twist. Don't get me wrong, there's no denying that the guitar work of the Young brothers is written all over Jail, but singer Roland Pierrehumbert isn't a Johnson or Scott clone, coming on more like Dee Snider mixed with an over excited Billy Gibbons. Add to that a crystal clear and less down and dirty production from the legendary Beau Hill (Ratt, Gary Moore, Twisted Sister, Winger) and the end result is a bluesy, groove laden boogie album that sounds punchy, in your face and upbeat.

A quick look through track names like "Live To Rock", "One Night Stand", "Rock 'N' Roller" and "Lazy Daisy" will leave little doubt that Sideburn aren't attempting to break any new lyrical ground, or ram a "message" down your throat. However when the self same songs have such irresistible bouncy rhythms and killer guitars, it is impossible not to be swept up in this good time vibe.

"The Red Knight" is a great example of a stuttering riff (that in truth you've heard a hundred times before), that just insists that your head has to start nodding along and before long the air guitar is out and your hammering out the great rhythm yourself! A more ZZ Top flavour is heard in places and most unsurprisingly the strongest hint of this taste in on "Long Beard And Boogie", which has a low slung menace that reminds you why this style of music made such an impact in the first place. The guitar pairing of Boris on lead and Fred Gudit on rhythm are tight as hell and the little breaks and solos that Boris fires out with ease raises the standard of the whole album adding a relaxed, yet fiery feel.

Jail certainly could never claim to be the most original album released this year (or even this month), but who cares when it plants a big grin on your face every time you crank it up?

Track Listing
1. Live to rock
2. Devil and Angel
3. One night stand
4. Rock'n'Roller
5. Lazy Daisy
6. Jail
7. Chase the rainbow
8. Long beard and boogie
9. The red knight
10. Good Boy
11. Kiss of death
12. Creedence vibe

Added: February 22nd 2011
Reviewer: Steven Reid
Related Link: Sideburn Official Web Site
Hits: 3119
Language: english

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