Echo Us: Tomorrow Will Tell the Story
1. Out of the Blue – Cool synths and echo effects with accompanied voice over. Interesting vocal effects as Henta's voice is echoed through synths during this opening. Then Ethan's vocals enter the soundscape along with those cool synths after a power chord moment. Sound that does feel like it has dropped out of a deep blue sky. The sound of wind like chimes only adds to the effect. Ethan's music is always innovative and challenging and that is why I enjoy it. His music is an experience.
2. Beyond the Horizon – More cool synths and those echo voices begin again. Cool soaring guitar riffs followed carefully by synth sounds taking the sound higher. Gentle female vocals echo between the synths and guitar chords. "I'm flying above, dreaming of love." You can sense that feeling as this music soundscape surrounds you with cool effects and synths. Henta's echoed voice creating that Munchkin – like vocal effect that is so unique. The later synth bell – like sounds bring back some memories of Jon and Vangelis music. "But we found them dreaming." Yes, this is clear sky dreaming music.
3 & 4. Archaeous of Water - Volume 1 - i. The Ears of Eras/ ii. Anchors Away – A 12:46 minute epic of synth sound and vocals. The piano – like synth enters the sounscape to more echoed voice effects with synth support. Then Ethan provides lyrics and unfolds the story as this two part epic begins. The piano – like synths are wonderful as are all of the synth sounds throughout this album. Ethan and Henta's voices work perfectly together. I remember last year when he was searching for a female vocalist to perform on this album. He found a great sound in Henta's unique voice. You can almost feel when the ship pulls away as Anchors Away begins. The soft churn of the ocean can be felt through the synths and unique guitar chords being played. The drum – like sounds mix so well with Henta's vocals and the water like synths, piano and acoustic guitar. I dare you to try to find something similar. Completely unique.
5 & 6. Archaeous of Water - Volume 2 - i. This is the Dream, the Dream is You/ii. Echoes of Eras – Then a Kabbalistic 'canticle' performed by Rawn Clark and that Vangelis – like synth sound which elevates the level of the sound. Henta's vocals bounce in and out of the mix playfully. The keys and chords are wonderful. "Run, run away." Elegant strings, chords, and synths building a dreamy soundscape. The harp adds warmth and dynamic range along with the piano and acoustic. Echoes of Eras begins with more chanting and Henta's voice surrounded by those soft synths. It is the longest track on the album at 9:02 minutes, and it is full of vocal and synths surprises.
7. Iagla – Slow quiet synths blended perfectly with harp and vocals. The piano is wonderful mixed with the lead electric.
8. A View from a Pier – The shortest track at 1:05 minutes, but it delivers a powerful image with Henta's voice, synths and wind chimes dancing to the sounds of the ocean. A perfect interlude.
9. The Mirror in the Window – String like synths, flute, chimes and other woodwind effects adding to the dynamics of the overall sound. Henta and Ethan both sing lines of this song and support each other in the background when they are not in lead.
10. Tomorrow Will Tell the Story – The title track and closer to this epic story. Guitar and epic level synths to open this dawn over an oceanscape sounding music. Beautiful, tranquil, relaxing music that just lets your mind relax from all of the stress of the modern world. "We rose to climb the waves of time. The years of eras fell away. We live between the broken dream. Beneath the deep blue haze." Together Henta and Ethan's vocals finish off the piece with interwoven vocals and beautiful piano, synth and drum effects.
The most unique sounding album I have heard all year. Ethan does it again. I don't know how he remains so original. Ethan's music challenges you to listen and pick up on all of the subtle sounds and impressions which are felt within the music. This music is excellent. Perfect for relaxing, reading, or sitting by the seashore and soaking in rays. Excellent thinking music to sooth the senses, relax and stimulate the mind.
Rating: 4/5 – Wonderful music that truly relaxes and entertains. This music has that unlocked the key to the spirit of music. It leaves you feeling better having experienced it.
(Originally published on Prognaut.com)
Added: January 18th 2011 Reviewer: Mark Johnson Score: Related Link: Band Website Hits: 3688 Language: english
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