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Autumn Moonlight: Alter Reality

Alter Reality, released in 2012, is the second album from Argentinian duo Autumn Moonlight. I recently heard the band for the first time starting with The Sky Over Your Shoulders which I really liked. Their latest release continues along the same mould; slower tempo beginnings, beautiful orchestral builds and soaring lead guitar.

Again, musicians Mariano Spadafora and Tomás Barrionuevo handle all the instrumentation including VSTI (Virtual Studio Technology) and that is what is most impressive here. The fact two musicians, with the help of digital technology, can create such beautiful music is a joy to behold.

The band have a tremendous knack for creating lush soundscapes from a lone piano or a pretty guitar intro. They have truly mastered the art of 'build ups' within a song. The title track is a prime example. Gentle instrumentation leads to lush sonic textures and crisp drum programming. The heavier guitar riffs gives a metal element to many of these tracks. "Where All Begins" starts mellow and builds majestically with swells of orchestration and soaring lead guitar. The moody guitar playing in "Ghost" is another highlight as is "Falling Sky" with its stark piano intro and injected metallic guitar riffs.

Alter Reality is as intoxicating as their first release, continuing in the band's tradition of lovely instrumentation and solid knowledge of studio effects. If you enjoy softer instrumental prog with the occasional nod to metal you should really enjoy this. Again, fans of Anathema should lap this up.

Track Listing:
1. Alter Reality
2. Where All Begins
3. Ghost
4. Odyssey
5. Outer Sunset
6. Falling Sky
7. Between Wars
8. Moving On
9. Trine
10. The Eternal Smile
11. 28.5

Added: September 14th 2014
Reviewer: Jon Neudorf
Related Link: Band's Official Site
Hits: 2376
Language: english

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