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ConcertsType-O-Negative and Celtic Frost Return to NYC 5/7/2007

Posted on Friday, May 18 2007 @ 10:26:31 CDT by Pete Pardo
Heavy Metal

Having been a fan of Type-O-Negative for as long as I can remember, I am always looking forward to when these "Lords Of Flatbush" return home to deliver their unique brand of Gothic meets Doom Metal. The show tonight would be one of two booked events and each was an immediate sellout as far as the tickets were concerned. I've found this to be the case whenever they perform in the vicinity and remember times when they played the fabled, but now closed L'Amour in Brooklyn to nights at Roseland Ballroom. I had found their shows to always be a good time and always to a capacity audience in the venue. Yet these tickets seemed to go a lot faster than usual because the music attending crowds of New York had not seen Type-O on the stage for a few years. The announcement of their return would be well met and this run of dates would also feature the Metal might of the legendary Celtic Frost as their special guest opener. Brand New Sin would be the ones to start it all off and Irving Plaza, oops I mean "The Fillmore NY at Irving Plaza" would be the venue it all went down in. The new name is a result of the Live Nation company purchasing the venue and giving it a slight makeover - but don't worry it is still pretty much the exact place that we have all seen shows at over the years.

Read on for Ken Pierce's review of the show!

Brand New Sin: I'm sad to report that I would arrive as these guys were just closing out their incredibly short set. People around me said that they did not play much more than a half an hour but that's to be expected when you are first up. Anyways, the couple of tunes that I did hear were good as this band is always excited to be performing on any stage.

Celtic Frost: I am sure that many Old School Metal heads saw the listing on the bill with Celtic Frost as the opener and shook their heads in amazement at this fact. "How can CF be the opener for Type-O with them being as legendary as they are" I heard many people say, and to be honest it actually makes sense when it comes down to it. Before 2006's support of the album "Monotheist", the group had not really been in the Metal public eye so much. The official reunion of Tom G. Warrior and Martin Eric Ain along with drummer Franco Sesa and touring guitarist Anders Odden would find the band met with a renewed interest among the hardest core of Metals minions. Their joining Type-O-Negative on this tour would offer an entirely different audience the chance to see what they were all about so in that it was a good thing. The setting was dramatic as the bands logo and designs adorned the stage while they crunched through their opener of "Procreation Of The Wicked". For those who enjoyed the tour for their comeback album tonight would be a treat for the set list would not focus on the new recording but instead feature a healthy amount of the bands classic material. V Santura would replace Odden as the touring guitarist and together they would once again bring to life the dark imagery from albums like "Morbid Tales", "To Mega Therion" and "Into The Pandemonium". Tonight the band would all be sporting corpse paint which I found interesting as it was a little more detailed than that last show at B.B. King Blues Club that I attended. It was great to see them be received so well by this predominantly Type-O-Negative crowd and I think deep inside the cold black heart of Tom G. Warrior, sinister warmth began to make itself known from this display. Their set would move quickly unfortunately but it was enough to leave a lasting impression on everyone in the venue. Watch for Celtic Frost again as they are working on a new album and tour for sometime in 2008. This worked out better than even I had imagined. Once again we all follow into the Pandemonium.

Type-O-Negative: The show would run late and in typical Type-O- fashion the band would not just come on to some dramatic intro music and instead choose to torment the audience for a little while with 25 minutes of "The Chicken Dance". It was a carnival-esque keyboard piece that served well to build the ire of the crowd who had been inside for a couple of hours already and just wanted their transfusion of Type-O-Negative Metal. Some of the fans who had been around since the beginning began the "You Suck" chants but there were not enough of them to keep it going among those who wondered why we even said it. Finally, the chicken dance ended and on came the national anthem of Kazakhstan, ala Borat and this proved early on that the bands sense of humor and pushing buttons had not changed one bit. Their opener would be a rousing Beatles cover which I found amusing as in the past they had shirts emblazoned with "Tragical Misery Tour". It would be followed by "We Hate Everyone", the very tongue-in-cheek rationale behind the band and a song not played very often since the album is originated from. Tonight TON would be supporting their newest release entitled "Dead Again" which is available on their new label of SPV Records. It's the first new release since the band moved on from Roadrunner Records with "Life Is Killing Me". There would only be a couple of new numbers from the guys tonight with "Profit Of Doom" and "These Three Things"; "Profit" is the track that they are leading off with in video and is a strong track that is a cross between the Type-O of old and the seasoned band we find today. "Anesthesia" from "LIKM" would be the only track from the album and this was a shame, since the numbers are pretty short in length for the most part and they could have squeezed in one or two more for good measure and comic relief. Steele talks to the crowd quite a bit and often yells that they shut up while he speaks and of course everyone eats this up and with his deep bass toned voice he comes off as very serious when he is the main protagonist of the groups' jokes. Clearly Type-O-Negative has never been a band that has ever taken themselves too seriously. The longest number of the night would be their delivery of "Kill You Tonight" which is a piece that goes as far back as the first album, but was reworked for "Origin Of The Feces". I don't think I have ever heard them do the exact version they did tonight and I just loved it since it included their reworking of the classic Jimmy Hendrix tune and morph it into "Hey Pete". The guys walked off stage at this point but no worries as they generally do encores and there were still some of the more consistent tracks from their catalog to feature.

As we waited for them to return the road crew wheeled carts of toilet paper onto the stage and I mean there were hundreds of rolls at least. They placed them everywhere and then the band returned to do "Love You To Death", which was the most popular number from "October Rust", an album that found the guys touching more upon the Atmospheric Gothic Hard Rock side. Everyone's favorite "Christian Woman" would be next and during the closing section of the tune Martin Eric Ain from Celtic Frost would come out to sing "Jesus Christ Looks Like Pete" – he would be the only guest star to make an appearance. The usual closer was left to "Black #1" and I am pretty sure the guys are as tired of closing with this as they can be. I would prefer to see them close on a bombastic number that leaves you begging for more. The way "BNO" ends is that its just a slow fading end. From the moment the main song was done the toilet paper war began and I had a front row seat for this part as this time around you were not allowed to shoot the beginning of the set but instead had to shoot the end. As the toilet paper went in every possible direction I admit that I got belted a couple of times, but picked the rolls up and lobbed them out into the crowd who was waiting anxiously to send them right back to the band who had remained on the stage.

This was really a great time and while I would have preferred a little earlier start since this was a Monday night and perhaps a couple of more tunes to enjoy I have to say that Type-O-Negative came back strong and in full force. There was nothing tired or withdrawn about the gig and to many it seemed as though no absence ever occurred. Welcome back guys, stay negative!

Celtic Frost Set List
1. Procreation Of The Wicked
2. Visions Of Mortality
3. Circle Of The Tyrants
4. Necromantical Screams
5. Dawn Of Meggido
6. The Ursurper
7. Dethroned Emperor
8. Morbid Tales
9. Into The Crypts Of Rays
10. Synagoga Satanae

Type-O-Negative Set List
1. Magical Mystery Tour
2. We Hate Everyone
3. Profits Of Doom
4. Anesthesia
5. These Three Things
6. Kill You Tonight
7. Love You To Death
8. Christian Woman
9. Black #1

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Hits: 5105

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