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InterviewsFrom Cloudscape to Warnot-A Conversation with Bjorn Eliasson

Posted on Sunday, December 09 2012 @ 10:25:02 CST by Pete Pardo
Progressive Metal

Guitarist/composer Bjorn Eliasson has an impressive new progressive metal venture called Warnot, and the ex -Cloudscape member recently took the time to give some feedback for our readers to Sea Of Tranquility's Scott Jessup about this project, the past with Cloudscape and the future.

SoT: Hello and congratulations on the new album- it is an impressive debut to have to your name.

Bjorn: Hi! and thank you so very much!

First of all I would like to say that i'm so relieved and proud, that the reviews came out positive and that the album is out there!

SoT: You were a member of Cloudscape from when the band formed till 2009- what was your fondest achievement with the band and favourite release?

Bjorn: Difficult much that I can't really choose....I guess when it comes to live performences, it must have been when we played at the"Sweden Rock Festival" in 2006.

Everything worked as planned; really good sound on stage and all of our friends in the audience....... and at "Rockhimlen" in Helsingborg (best sound ever).

As for my favorite CS album, it must be Crimson Skies, because I feel that it contains all awesome songs and a dynamic flawless production! Had it in my car for a year! (laughs).

SoT: Does His Blood Is Yours meet your expectations as to what you were aiming for, and did your vision change as time passed from what was originally planned ?

Bjorn: Yes, I am very pleased with the outcome, but I still feel ... sure...i could have played that particular part a little better.

I had a goal and I worked towards that, but my vision changed from time to time...honest. One day I felt that all the songs sounded, well, not so special, and the next day , i was wowed.

You see, I work as an electrical engineer full time (40 hours a week) in the food industry, but my passion is and allways will be composing music.

So after 2 and a half years working on the album (evenings & weekends) I had an inner crisis. Listened to the songs too many times and couldn't decide whether they were good enough. I had to take a pause for a month and not listen to the songs, and then determine what songs to keep and so on. Really glad i did that, otherways there wouldn't be a Warnot album.

SoT: You have assembled quite a range of vocalists for this recording. Was it hard to decide who you wanted to participate?

Bjorn: Actually no, I have a lot of friends that are vocalists, and I just askeded around if they were interested in the project, and all of them joined, and for that I'm really grateful.

It all began with Thomas Bursell who is singing leed on "Raptures of the deep", "The crow will die" and "The wrong path". The songs were written (demos) and I was singing here. He accepted the challenge and he really did an awesome job. Then Sussi Sorensen was recruited for some background singing.....hmmm....hey wait a minute...I could use her voice for more than that!!! She ended up singing backing vocals on many tracks and some lead parts on "His Blood Is Yours" and all the ad- lib on "Sirens".

Then Mike Andersson "Fullforce","Cloudscape" etc....came over and we recorded a couple of songs together. "I Am A Ghost", "New York", and " The Patriot". Really nice to have him aboard.

Andre Mollestam performes the darkest of all growls that I've ever heard before and you can hear him in "The Crow Will Die" and "My Darkest Hour"

Mollestams girlfriend Sara Andersson joined after him and she is a soprano vocalist, and can be heard in ""The Patriot" and "I Am A Ghost"

The last one to join was Bjorn Persson who is a dear friend and he was also the lead singer in the band called "Doctor Weird" (the beginning of Cloudscape actually). You can here him sing the verses in "Sirens".

And I am singing on all tracks. Backing vocals on all tracks and Lead in "His Blood Is Yours", "The Patriot", "My Darkest Hour", and "New York".

SoT: Obviously it would be quite a different experience putting an album together now you are out on your own as compared to recording with Cloudscape. How did you find the process?

Bjorn: I find it more challenging to do everything myself ,but I sure miss the rehearsals once a week, were we all talked and caught up on a lot of shit. Since i have my own studio now, it's very easy to record and mix whenever the inspiration is on top.

SoT: Will there be future releases under the Warnot name?

Bjorn: I really hope so. Actually I've already written a couple of songs, and at the moment the inspiration's on top.

Planning to involve new lead vocalists, none that I can reveal at the moment but I can say so much that it will be will be all up to me to write good songs that will match the awesome vocalists. At the same time all of the singers on "His Blood Is Yours" have agreed to be part of a second album if I need their help. Thanks guys!

SoT: Besides metal what other music appeals to you?

Bjorn: Film music and classical music can be fantastic sometimes and other than that, I would say all music that's well written and not too mainstream.

SoT: Progressive metal is still so very popular but with so many influenced by others not many bands really have a unique or refreshing sound anymore. What are your thoughts on this?

Bjorn: I don't listen very often to other bands, so i am not that updated with all the new talents and bands out there. If I listen to other bands it is probably when i meet my friends or when I am at a party somewhere.

SoT: What other musicians would you like to work with if you could choose anyone?

Bjorn: Russell Allen, Jorn Lande, Mike Baker R.I.P. Peter Wildoer and Lalle Larsson and many many more!

There are so many skilled people out there and I would believe that there is at least 100 in every city around the world.

SoT: Any future live performances planned?

Bjorn: No, there are no live performances planned at the moment. But you never know!

SoT: What is the highlight of your musical career so far?

Bjorn: The release of "His Blood Is Yours" on Nightmare Records since it is the album that took me the longest time to compose. And ofcource some of the gigs with Bloodstock Open Air, Sweden Rock Festival, PPEU, PPUK and PP Scandinavia.

SoT: Lastly thanks for your time and could you please tell our readers who haven't heard the album what they are missing out on?

SoT: I did my very best to create something that I believe is truly unique. Spooky athmosphers combined with cool riffing and the mixture of talented vocalists should be enough so please check it out! Take care everyone !

Scott Jessup

(Click here to read our review of His Blood is Yours)

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