Temtris: Khaos Divine
First, let me thank regular Sea of Tranquility YouTube viewer Peter Sym for bringing Australian metal outfit Temtris to my attention, first through their sixth album Ritual Warfare and now it’s strong follow up, Khaos Divine. Pulling very much from a traditional, but not outdated metal base and powering forward on the full throated vocals of Genevieve, this latest offering from one of the few Aussie metal outfits making an effort to get themselves heard outside of their homeland certainly isn’t shy in making its point.
Once the initial, near obligatory intro-instrumental track has made a grandiose entrance, it’s the album’s title cut that really gets things started, the twin axe attack from Fox and Nadi utterly romping at full velocity to snatch your attention. Genevieve then grabs proceedings by the throat, her remarkably ear-catching howls just aggressive enough, but still using melody and tone to get their message across. Interestingly “Eternal Death Machine” then hints at something more thrash based as Nick hammer-smashes his poor snare drum mercilessly. The guitars also provide a more Maiden like bark and bite that really opens up the Temtris sound to more alleyways than you might have immediately expected. Fantastic though she is, I do at times wish Genevieve would maybe ever so slightly take her foot off the gas to offer a little more light and shade, but it’s a minor gripe as the buzzsaw guitars of “The Lies Become The Truth” burrow ever deeper into your mind. Here the bass work from Vane also shines through, his ability to create a rock solid foundation allowing the guitars to dart and sting as the mood takes them.
Again it’s the relentless but non-repetitive nature of the ever so tight guitar work that spurs “Revenge” to greater heights. “The Path”, however, takes a slower route and while the willingness to offer some mid-album respite is welcome, unfortunately, this track is both the album’s least convincing moment, and it’s longest. But with the powering pummel of “Evolution Of Hate” and “Ground Zero” closing things out with real authority, it really is the only small misstep.
It would be difficult to suggest that Temtris are looking to push too many boundaries with their faithful metal outbursts, but when the conviction and performances are as strong as those on show here, it’s a still a wonderful thing to behold.
Track Listing
1. The Grand Design
2. Khaos Divine
3. Eternal Death Machine
4. Dreams Or Reality
5. The Lies Become The Truth
6. The Path
7. Revenge
8. Evolution Of Hate
9. Ground Zero
Added: April 28th 2023 Reviewer: Steven Reid Score:     Related Link: Temtris online Hits: 521 Language: english
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