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Destroyed in Seconds: Divide and Devour

This album originally appeared as a limited-edition cassette (and on digital platforms) in early 2020, just weeks before things began shutting down. It was a solid album then and it’s a solid album now. It’s coming to our attention again in 2021 because it’s getting a vinyl release through Deep Six Records and because it frankly deserves another listen.

Destroyed in Seconds doesn’t need much of an introduction. They are a hardcore punk band out of Los Angeles that draws on elements of d-beat, thrash, and punk to good effect. Their songs aren’t terribly subtle, but you wouldn’t really want them to be. Punk rock isn’t for the good times and the music here is a clear warning about the consequences of the Trump administration on contemporary America.

Musically, there aren’t that many surprises here, but fans won’t want any. It is always angry, aggressive, and crazy, the perfect music for a live setting and a circle pit. Check out “American Carnage,” “World War When,” and “Sulfur.”

Track Listing:
1. Divide and Devour
2. The Tower
3. The Badge
4. Wraiths
5. Disarm
6. American Carnage
7. World War When
8. No Respect
9. Only Throats
10. Buzzards
11. Sulfur

Added: June 4th 2021
Reviewer: Carl Sederholm
Related Link: Band Website
Hits: 760
Language: english

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