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Sorge: Sorge

This debut EP serves as a nice introduction to Sorge, a Washington, D.C. band that revels in the doomy, the psychedelic, and the odd. Even if you think you’ve already heard bands like Sorge, I’ll bet these guys will surprise you with their overall sound. The music is bold, heavy, strange, fuzzy, cerebral, psychedelic, and wild. It would be awesome to catch these guys on stage to see what parts of the music seem more improvised than planned. I bet they put on a great show.

Although there are surely tons of influences at work here, I have to admit that Sorge reminded me most often of bands like Iron Butterfly because of their hooks, their heavy keys, and their willingness to see where things might take them. They are definitely heavier than Iron Butterfly, but I think fans of that style might find something here to enjoy. Since I’m a fan of fuzzy guitars, I loved it when Sorge gave them free reign. I’m thinking mostly of the opening to “Argent,” but the middle section of “Astral Burnout” had enough fuzz to satisfy me for quite some time. The guitar tones on that track were especially impressive. I suspect I’ll have “Astral Burnout” playing in my house many times over the next several weeks. It’s a killer song. Equally impressive was “Faith of a Heretic” because of its fuzzy and riffy bridge. I was less interested in the slightly meandering composition “A Horse in Turin” even though it wasn’t really all that bad. It just wasn’t “Astral Burnout.” Some listeners may find the individual songs a tad on the long side, but Sorge handles knows when to experiment and when to rein things in. Overall, this is an impressive debut from an impressive, eclectic, and heavy band.

Track Listing:
1. Faith of a Heretic
2. A Horse in Turin
3. Argent
4. Astral Burnout

Added: May 23rd 2020
Reviewer: Carl Sederholm
Related Link: Band Facebook Page
Hits: 1043
Language: english

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