RIP Darrell "Dimebag" Abbott
Dimebag's last musical statement before his life was senselessly taken from him in December of 2004 is the debut from Damageplan called New Found Power. Joining together with his brother and former bandmate in Pantera Vinnie Paul on drums, as well as bassist Bob Zilla and singer Pat Lachman, Damageplan are like a mix of Pantera and Meshuggah, not quite as heavy as the former, and not nearly as technical as the latter, but certainly with elements of both and lots more groove to their music.
Many long-time Pantera fans were initially dissapointed that Dimebag chose not include many guitar solos on this release. The man was a very unique and influential soloist, but it was always his riffs that made the Pantera albums as great as they were, and he continues on here in spades as far as chunky guitar rhythms and ideas go. Songs such as "Reborn"(featuring a guest solo from Zakk Wylde), the manic "Explode", the lethal title track, or the thrash and burn of "Fuck You" contain plenty of gritty metal riffs and fills, as well as meaty bass lines from Zilla. When Dime does rip into a solo, it's always inventive and original, but he concentrates more on riffs here than actual lengthy solo passages, which gives many of the songs a more accessible feel than some of the older Pantera albums. There's even some catchy arena rock on "Pride", "Soul Bleed", and "Save Me", where Lachman shows his melodic side, which if you listen closely he sounds a little like the late singer from Alice in Chains Layne Staley. While Lachman doesn't have the ferocious presence of Phil Anselmo, he manages to put in a very good performance here, as he goes from nu-metal shouts, to throaty death growls, to more melodic clean spots pretty effortlessly.
While not the instant classic that albums like Cowboy's From Hell, Vulgar Display of Power, or Far Beyond Driven were, New Found Power is a solid debut from a band that will sadly probably never record again due to the tragic slaying of their guitarist and driving force.
Track Listing
1. Wake Up
2. Breathing New Life
3. New Found Power n
4. Pride en
5. Fuck You
6. Reborn
7. Explode
8. Save Me
9. Cold Blooded
10. Crawl isten
11. Blink of an Eye
12. Blunt Force Trauma sten
13. Moment of Truth
14. Soul Bleed